Saturday, November 13, 2010

Field Reflection #11

This past week was very educational with hands-on experience teaching 4th graders in ParkView Elementary School. The class is very social and although they are getting older, they still need to have a variety of activities happening each day.

One of my favorite activities was 5 minute dance party. The teacher will playthe "cha cha slide" on her ipod and the kids LOVE it. They do every movement the song asks them to...stomp your right foot. Now slide to the left. hop 5 times, cha cha...etc. The beat is very fun to hear and you can't help but move around when you hear it.

Some of our lessons we taught this week was about the Utah explorers. We had the children write obituaries about their assigned explorer, then we showed them examples of tombstones and how they represent the life of someone who has died. The children were placed into 6 groups and all helped make a tombstone to present to the class about their explorer.

It was very fun to see one particular group who pretended their tombstone was very heavy and they were acting like they were almost going to drop it during their presentation. All the tombstones were made on black paper and had at least one symbol drawn on it to represent an important event in their life. The students did a great job being creative.

Every day there are opportunities to use the creative arts in the classroom. I hope maybe we have helped the cooperating teacher increase a desire to do this as well.

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