WHAT have I learned about visual art - from both the text and class?
No two projects are alike, and that should expected. I love that there are so many vast areas of art to experience throughout your whole life.
SO WHAT does that mean for me as a teacher?
Children need to experience at a young age (and continue learning) that it is not merely a love or hate decision, but art should be considered for it's aesthetic features. They willl be able to "read" art and notice how artists use color, shapes, and line in nonliteral ways.
As a person?
Until I can "read" art, I will not be able to pass this knowledge along to others in my life, such as my husband and my children.

SO WHAT does that mean for me as a teacher?
Children need to experience at a young age (and continue learning) that it is not merely a love or hate decision, but art should be considered for it's aesthetic features. They willl be able to "read" art and notice how artists use color, shapes, and line in nonliteral ways.
As a person?
Until I can "read" art, I will not be able to pass this knowledge along to others in my life, such as my husband and my children.
-How will I prepare to effectively teach my future students? How has my perspective changed? How will this change the way I teach my future students?
Taking full advantage of this class is a great step in preparing to effectively teach my future students. My perspective has been reawakened to the arts and how much fulfillment can be experienced through the arts.
I definitely plan to include the arts in every subject taught in my classroom. The book talked about your environment should be aesthetically pleasing in that it is organized, and colorful...but not too busy...
When working on art projects, I will provide a few examples as references, so each student will have suggestions, but not be required to finish a project exactly the same as every other student. My praise will include art vocabulary. At times I will play music without lyrics
and always have each student sign their own art.
These ideas and many others have re-inspired me to always incorporate art into every aspect of my teaching. I look forward to my creative ideas on how I will implement this goal.

Taking full advantage of this class is a great step in preparing to effectively teach my future students. My perspective has been reawakened to the arts and how much fulfillment can be experienced through the arts.
I definitely plan to include the arts in every subject taught in my classroom. The book talked about your environment should be aesthetically pleasing in that it is organized, and colorful...but not too busy...
When working on art projects, I will provide a few examples as references, so each student will have suggestions, but not be required to finish a project exactly the same as every other student. My praise will include art vocabulary. At times I will play music without lyrics
and always have each student sign their own art.
These ideas and many others have re-inspired me to always incorporate art into every aspect of my teaching. I look forward to my creative ideas on how I will implement this goal.
The second picture was found at the Rochester Art Center website.