Friday, September 24, 2010

Reflection #3


After reviewing all the art principles (and elements last week), I have noticed that you can recognize many principles used in every specific piece of artwork. I enjoyed the activity where you placed cards with paintings on them from "Picturing America." At first I was nervous I wouldn't pick out the correct one to show proportion. Then you explained how everyone's choices could be justified to show proportion in one way or another. Then my strategy changed to be just pick a picture and then analyze it to find where this artist used balance, or variety, etc. All of them were perfect examples. So fun.

When a picture book is being read to a child, many times the child or the reader will touch something they see on a page. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the reader could not only point out items that enhance the story, but also enlightens about the art principles and elements used throughout each picture in the book? Books can be touched (unlike real paintings in an art gallery) and touching certain spots can make showing each art element more clearly understood.

So What:

Before reading a book to my students, I will have already chosen books with engaging pictures on many pages and also be ready to point out many art principles and elements the artists used. Eventually the students will be able to point out these principles and recognize them on their own.

Now What:

The stories in books are enjoyed time and time again, as are the pictures which make the storis come to life and we connect with them. Each time a book is read, and re-read, it can be enjoyed and remembered for all of it's qualities, especially and including the exquisite artwork.

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